Our brands

Dranken ~ Non-alcoholisch

Basic One

Basic One bottled water is natural water from the Zanderij aquifer and is produced under ISO 22000 certified conditions. It is produced by Future Beverages N.V., a local production company. There are four sizes available: 355 mL, 500 mL, 1500 mL and 18.9 L (5 gallons). For more information about the products, click on the logo to go to the website.


Monster Energy is produced by Monster Beverage Company, a division of Hansen Beverages in the USA. DTS NV distributes the original Monster Energy, available in 473 ml aluminum cans. For more information about the products, click on the button to go to the website.


Twist fruit drinks are available in various flavours. Of these refreshing drinks two sizes are distributed by DTS namely 500 mL and 2000mL. Twist fruit drinks are produced by Brava International Ltd, located in Trinidad and Tobago.


OKF drinks are produced by the OKF(Overseas Koreans Foundation)  Multi Beverage Factory, located in Andong City in Korea. OKF is a world leader premium beverage manufacturer, which has produced approximately 750 types of drinks and has exported to 155 countries in America, Europe, Asia and Africa. DTS NV distributes various OKF drinks in Suriname. For more information about the products, click on the button to go to the website.

Food producten ~ Snacks


Cheeze Stiks are the ultimate favorite snack! They are produced by Holiday Snacks Ltd., along with Cashew nuts, Peanuts, Tortillaz, Big Foot, Sweet Chili Stiks, Chick N Chips and a much more. Holiday snacks Ltd. is located in Trinidad and Tobago. The products are available in regular sizes and family sizes.


Bermudez Biscuit Company Ltd, located in Trinidad and Tobago, produces a wide range of delicious cookies and crackers, such as Crix Crackers, Nibbles, Dixee cream filled crackers, Domino cookies and Custard  and Bourbon cream filled cookies.. The products are available in various sizes and flavours. Dixee cream filled is in Suriname  available in Cheese and Peanut Butter flavor, while Domino cream filled cookies are available. in vanilla and chocolate flavor.


West India Biscuit Company Ltd., located in Barbados, is the producer of Shirley and Tea Time biscuits. The Shirley biscuits are available in normal, coconut and chocolate flavour. while the Tea Time cream filled are available in the flavors Chocolate and vanilla.


Kiss baking company Ltd.  located in Trinidad &Tobago is the producer of Kiss cakes. The delicious varieties that are produced are cupcakes, iced cakes, brownies, and slice cakes. Kiss cakes are available in different flavors on the market. The cakes that we carry in our range are: orange cup cake, chocolate cup cake, strawberry iced cup cake, chocolate iced cup cake, orange goodie, chocolate goodie, marble vanilla chocolate slice, chocolate slice and marble strawberry chocolate slice. 

Food producten ~ Instant Noodles, Yoghurt en Kaas


Mama instant noodles is produced by Thai President Foods Public Co., Ltd, in Thailand These delicious Mama instant noodles are available in packs of 60 gram (chicken is 55 gr). The flavours that DTS NV distributes are chicken, shrimp, vegetables and duck.  Another line of mama noodles are the OK (Oriental Kitchen) in the flavors Hot Korean and Shrimp.

Go Go yoghurt

GO-GO yogurt is imported by Interfarm NV and distributed by DTS NV. 
GO-GO yoghurt has a fresh fruity yogurt taste and is available in the flavors Raspberry & Peach and Strawberry & Pineapple.

Food producten ~ Pasta's, sauzen en ontbijt pap


Catelli products are produced in Trinidad and Tobago by the company VEMCO LTD and include macaroni, ketchup, mayonnaise and barbecue sauce. There are different sizes available from these products.


Moo! Milk is produced in Germany and then shipped to Trinidad & Tobago to be exported to other countries. The company behind this is Hand Arnold Trinidad limited which is based Trinidad & Tobago. Moo milk is pure cow's milk, but it does undergo the UHT process to ensure that it does not contain bacteria and is safe for use. Moo! milk is available in the varieties whole milk, semi-skimmed milk and skimmed milk. 

The Slogan of Moo! Is : made from fresh never powder


The EMS brand is derived from the mother of the Yang family. The children referred to their mother with the letter "M" which was an "abbreviation" for mother. 

EMS Salt Meat is in vacuum packaging (200 grams and 400 grams) and is the first product that is distributed by DTS NV under the EMS brand.

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